
Why does my track fail to share?

There are times where our built-in mechanisms to share with other apps may fail due to an erroneous communication protocol between two apps. 

When this happens, we suggest the following workaround:

  • Open Parrot
  • Open the menu in the top right (three dots)
  • Tap Settings
  • Tap Share
  • Toggle Use System Chooser to on.

This will use the Android system sharing mechanism which may resolve this issue.



Should this fail, you may need to convert your MP4 file to M4A:

  • Open Parrot
  • Open the menu in the top right (three dots)
  • Tap Settings
  • Tap Recording
  • Tap Quality
  • Tap the File Extension row and change it to M4A.
  • Tap the Convert row and tap Convert in the following dialog

Attempt to share again.

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