
Where are my tracks and how can I access them outside of Parrot?

Where are my tracks?

Tracks in Parrot can be saved to three different locations on your device:

  1. Internal Storage: Located in a private folder within your device storage. This folder cannot be accessed by any apps except Parrot. This folder prevents access from unwanted parties such as malicious apps or other users on your device. Typically files in this folder are located at /data/data/com.SearingMedia.Parrott/files/parrot/

  2. External Storage: Located on your SD card (if you do not have an SD card, it is emulated on your regular storage). Typically files in this folder are located in /storage/emulated/0/parrot or /storage/sdcard1/parrot.
  3. Custom Folder (Parrot Pro Only): A custom folder anywhere on the device as chosen by the user. This is only available to users with active subscriptions to Parrot Pro.

The save location of future tracks can be modified by the following process:

  • Open the side menu in the top left (3 horizontal lines)
  • Tap Settings
  • Tap Recording
  • Tap Saving
  • Tap Save Location
  • Choose Internal Storage, External Storage or Custom Folder.

How can I access my tracks outside of Parrot?

Tracks can be access outside of Parrot in a number of ways:

  • If you have stored your tracks on Internal Storage, you will need to copy or share them outside of Parrot to manage them with a 3rd party app or view them on your PC. 

    - To share a track, scroll to the Share tab, then tap on the track of your choice and share. 
    Quick Tip: To select multiple tracks, tap the calendar icon on a track to enter multi-select mode.

    - To copy a track:

        1. Tap the three dots next to your track.


        2. Tap Details.


        3. Tap the copy icon (+) in the top toolbar and choose where you would like to copy the track to.


  • Tracks saved to External Storage or a Custom Folder can be accessed using your favorite file manager. We recommend ES File Explorer as an easy way to manage your tracks. To access your files in ES File Explorer:

    1. Tap Internal Storage or SD card

    2. Tap the parrot folder




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    don lovill

    thanks for hooking a brother up. yall r awsome

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